Yearly Archives: 2021

7 Reasons YOU want to Compromise in your Divorce

1. For most couples, letting your divorce become a war is not worth it to you or to your spouse. The ROI, Return on Investment, of a litigated divorce will show that when you do the math, only your attorneys will benefit…unless you cooperate now. “When you married, you became part of the legal system, another…
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3 Secrets to Overcome Anxiety & be a YouTube & Public Speaking Star!

Have you realized that being an entrepreneur or a successful business leader the fastest way to become more successful is to overcome your anxiety and begin video blogging? Did you hope you could avoid public speaking and doing video trainings and now you realize that you must get beyond your fear? Perhaps you are clear…
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How to Buy “Marriage Insurance” using Heartspace© Solutions

When you married you expected to love one another forever; right? You probably heard from couples who have been married for a long time that there will be good days and bad days and that you need to “hold on tight” and wait them out, yes? And when you began to have the first tingle…
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