I have received 16 marriage proposals so if you want to get married soon, please learn these secrets because this system works! One of the men who proposed to me said, "Getting married is like a virus and men get it every few years." Why is that interesting to you? Because the summer we dated,…
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5 Ways To Get Ahead By Being Everyone’s FAVORITE Co-Worker
There are countless articles out there about having a great relationship with your partner and children. But what about your relationships at the office? After all, we sometimes see our co-workers more than our own family. And though a separation of work life and home life is important, life on the job is far more enjoyable when you feel…
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5 Things You Need To Know Before Unschooling Your Kids
As I refilled my hummingbird feeder and calculated the complicated fractions of teaspoons and ounces of water I thought to myself; "What a relief that I learned fractions in school!" When I worked with two blended families in Washington State, they clung to a different idea; they believed that letting their kids discover what was…
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Heartspace® Solutions to EVERYTHING!
In this interview I will show you the way to PEACE, JOY, LOVE and SUCCESS. Though Humans learn through pain I will teach you how to MOVE BEYOND SUFFERING FAST! As you raise your vibrational state you RISE ABOVE problems and diseases, too. Learning to get along with everyone is the 1st step to the…
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