As a Certified Mediator I am often asked to help with post-divorce co-parenting issues because the parents can’t communicate and cooperate with one another and they have wasted $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ on attorneys and therapists. Whether one parent is really difficult or whether both of you are angry and upset it takes only one skilled communicator to…
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Find Out Who You Should Marry Based On Your PRIMARY Brain Quadrant
You are engaged in the dating process, seeking your Perfect Life Partner. You are more than ready to meet your ideal partner, the one person you've dreamed of for too long. You were raised on Cinderella stories and waited and waited for that someday when your prince will come. Do either of these scenarios sound like…
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2 Keys: Give up Judging and Create Lifelong Connections
Have you realized the #1 Key to successful relationships is that if you want THEM to care about you then YOU need to prove that you care about them? And what I find is that if we have a habit of judging this blocks our ability to connect in the most successful way; in a…
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5 Ways To Save Your Own Marriage, According To Hollywood
I've worked with Hollywood celebrities in the reel world and I work with clients who live in the real world too. Successful long-term marriages require certain common factors and you have better odds if you are NOT a fabulous celebrity. The challenges that most celebrity couples face are more difficult than those of the average couple…
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