The Divorce Forum Intro

The Divorce Forum® Collaborative Mediation Model offers skills, tools, and support to create a peaceful amicable divorce without court or a mediated divorce so that you relieve pain instead of reliving pain!

One of my clients saved $11 Million in his divorce because he learned these skills and had this support!

Here is a better divorce process for mediated uncontested no-fault divorce and collaborative divorce. What is unique is that I can teach you how to transform your situation into greater cooperation and peace and avoid the huge cost of divorcing in court. If your relationship includes a history of arguing and suffering, you can still create a Peaceful Divorce with The Divorce Forum® Collaborative Mediation.

For relationships that include issues such as infidelity, financial or health issues, and even addiction there are solutions that can be found for both of you.

For a complimentary private one-hour telephone session please email [email protected] and let me know the best days and times for you as well as your time zone. More than 10,000 free sessions have provided people worldwide with the answers they need to their urgent divorce and relationship issues.

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