There are 7 Stages of Divorce©: Panic, Denial, Agony, Rage, Epiphany, Negotiation and Peace. When you learn these you will also want divorce advice to learn to move peacefully through them as they appear. Your choice is how to deal with a huge wave of negative emotion if you want to create a peaceful divorce mediaiton; do you go under it or do you surf over it or do you let it drown you because these are really your 3 choices in divorce.
When you learn Heartspace® skills and our specialized divorce tools you can make the best settlement possible. Remember the last argument you had with your spouse; your divorce may be two years of that! Wouldn't you prefer to learn the skills necessary to help mediate your divorce?
- The 7 Stages of Divorce© are the map for divorce and they will take you through your divorce. When you learn these you can create cooperation and peace; no matter what!
Santa Barbara Attorney/Mediator Arnold S. Jaffe, Esq., is both a student of Heartspace® and we have co-mediated says, "Given a choice between having your future handed down as a judgment in court or negotiated and handled by you and your partner, which would you choose? Handed down or handled…the choice is obvious.
- The Negotiation stage is the key and you must learn to negotiate peacefully and powerfully. First negotiate with yourself to decide what is most valuable to you. You will need to learn to compromise to motivate your partner to create the best solution for both of you and your children and pets.
- You need a "Divorce Education" so that you learn to create peace even if you have never had peace before. Learning to motivate your partner, to negotiate; these are new skills for everyone facing divorce.
- Every divorce is a hero's journey and you are the hero. Real power creates and maintains peace; force only causes chaos and suffering. Your goal is peace and the best possible settlement. Though you may not see that now, divorce may be the doorway to freedom and to PEACE for you.
- Cause and Effect. If your divorce was triggered by infidelity there is the moment before the infidelity when the faithful spouse has "had enough"! It is only later, that the infidelity occurs that you remember your part. If you were shocked by your spouse's announcement, "I wants a divorce; if this is familiar, were you aware of the moment when you disconnected from your partner before your partner disconnected from you?
- How is The Divorce Forum® Collaborative Mediation different? Our mission is to provide unique skills to communicate with one another and on-going support so that you can maintain peace and cooperation, learn to work together to resolve disputes and protect assets and well-being for the entire family. Most divorces are about money so do not contact an attorney first. First please confer with a CPA specializing in divorce. Even if you also want to consult an attorney it's probably to find out your financial picture; you will save a lot of money by having a CPA who deals with divorce "run your numbers".
- Why is Divorce Coaching so valuable? Susan Allan has pioneered Divorce Coaching and since 1999 she has taught"Motivate to Mediate Training" so that you can encourage your partner toward amicable divorce options, to mediate to avoid the high cost and extreme stress of going to court; litigation. Sometimes, one or both partners find it extremely difficult to maintain the tone of voice and demeanor that allows mediation to succeed. Susan offers a unique, effective and invaluable process called Divorce Forum® Coaching allowing you to learn to bring yourself back to peace, to communicate effectively and to reach your goal of a peaceful divorce.
- Susan has pioneered Telephone Mediations. Susan Allan is one of the 1st to offer successful telephone mediation creating satisfying, peaceful and fair divorces and co-parenting plans via telephone for more than a decade. Telephone Mediations are the most affordable and stress-less option and you don't have to face your partner across a table which is so beneficial to so many couples. If you have children this also allows you to stay more peaceful arond your chidlren because you are undergoing less stress; much less stress, than in a typical divorce.
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