Susan Allan’s Sales Forum has been selected as the Winner for 2022. Thank you!
We have provided 10,000 private, complimentary 1st consultations to individuals just like you and corporations just like your firm throughout The United States, Europe, Asia, India, Australia, and South Africa.
With certification in Herrmann Brain Dominance® used by most Fortune® Companies and as a certified Mediator, Susan has taught thousands to join or build teams with the best companies and employees; motivate and inspire everyone to reach their goals; and replace long-term conflict with cooperation and SUCCESS.
Clients have doubled and even tripled their annual income; corporations have doubled their annual bottom line.
Job Seekers
Resume Wordsmithing
Q & A Prep for Interviews
Zoom Training Prep
Negotiating your Offer
Showing up as the “New” you
CEOs & HR Directors
Herrmann® Instrument to confirm Best Candidate
Interview Questions
Motivating the Best to Accept your Offer
Peaceful no-court Terminations
Employees Ready for Promotion
Identifying Corporate Culture Needs
Demonstrating your USP to CEO
Motivating your Raise
Generating a Bonus
Stability and Promotions
Corporate Trainings: Are you a CEO, President, or Sales Manager looking for solutions to your financial, sales, production, or cash flow issues? Have you felt frustrated looking for excellent candidates to fill your jobs and your salesforce? Do you need to expand your marketing to become a “household name”? Do you need help training hires to sell, for online sales, Sales jobs or as Sales consultants?
Are you struggling to create a growth-oriented Sales strategy with your required ROI? Is your sales management team producing disappointing sales results that ignore your proven marketing Sales process and bottom-line goals?
Looking for a great new job at a wonderful stable company? Do you need to boost your Career or do you prefer Entrepreneurship Trainings?
Entrepreneurship: Are you an Entrepreneur, or you want to learn How to Become an Entrepreneur, taking your Entrepreneurial Spirit and Entrepreneurial Ideas to the next level, so that you develop a successful business fulfilling your Mission?
Susan Allan has helped 1,000s of individuals and companies reach their career and corporate goals. Whether you love corporate life or entrepreneurship, Susan will show you how to move faster and with greater focus to your goals.
Susan’s entrepreneurial and sales success generated $750 million in sales with her sales teams, during 22 years in fashion where she evaluated the market, found the niche, designed all the products, and trained her sales teams.
Since 1999 Susan has provided Sales Forum© Coaching and she will show you how to reach your business goals using the following skills. In 2020, Susan worked with a client who wanted to sell his company although his partners didn’t want to sell; within a few months he had motivated them and within a few more months the company sold for $205 Million! She has helped countless individuals double and triple their annual income.

Nancy Feller
“I have personally known Susan my entire life. When visiting Santa Barbara, I met a few professional business owners who had tremendous results with Susan's coaching. My husband and I have a publishing business and thought we could use some guidance. I would have thought being a friend for my entire life might present a problem in us both staying focus and directed. Through our coaching we were able to make many positive changes in the way we handled certain business situations. I highly recommend that you work with Susan. She is just wonderful and the results speak for themselves"
Nancy Feller, owner Black Tie Publishing Plantation, FL

Emily Gould
"Susan, I think of you so often and always with such gratitude and affection. You taught me so much in such a short period of time and I continue to use that knowledge in my practice and life. Every time I have another professional success I think of you. Huge hugs and a thousand blessings to you, dear friend. Xoxoox"
Emily Gould

Andrea Michaels
"I am a creative type, and therefore not always able (or willing.shhhhh!) to focus on business issues that take me away from being my creative self, which is a heck of a lot more fun and inspiring. Then I met Susan Allan: focus; amazing focus. Not only did Susan make a commitment to talk through issues with me, but also with my staff. What I gained has been invaluable. Confronted with a challenge or an obstacle, my first stop is Susan. 'Here's the situation' leads to dialogue that gains me insight, offers me possible solutions, allows me to try out communication styles until I can establish a clear path that leads to non-confrontational conversations with end goals being met in a win/win
outcome for all parties involved. Susan is direct, motivating, clear.but more than that, she cares. Every conversation has been supportive;...truth presented to me intelligently and respectfully. I have gained much. My employees have gained much."
Andrea Michaels CEO Extraordinary Events
“I have applied Susan Allan's techniques in the key aspects of our company to great economic advantage and the development of our team!"
Geoffrey Talbot CEO Statmon, Beverly Hills CA
“I just wanted to thank you for your help. You go above and beyond to really add value to your service, which is much appreciated.”
Kevin Bourke CEO Bourke Wealth Management Santa Barbara, CA
“As a former trial lawyer, I am no stranger to a variety of methods of dispute resolution – including arbitration, mediation, and trial (trial usually being the most unsatisfactory of all). I wish I had possessed the skills that Susan teaches when I was practicing law. While I continue on the path of learning to master these, I find myself employing them in everything from business to interpersonal relationships. It is an invaluable tool.”
Mark Jacobsen, Attorney at Law, Santa Barbara, CA
“Within minutes, Susan Allan figured out why I wasn’t getting the results I desired because of my thinking. She showed me where I needed to put my focus in order to get the results I 36 Testimonials – Susan Allan wanted. Susan is very easy to work with, non-judgmental, and incredibly insightful. Within 24 hours, I had an excellent resume and a job interview lined up. I would highly recommend Susan. I loved her innate ability to cut to the core of the issues I was having so quickly and gently guide me into the direction I needed to be. I’m sure she has saved me years of struggle. I am very grateful for her help.”
Kathy Rex, New Albany, OH
“Since I began my work with Susan Allan about 6 months ago and have learned her Goal-reaching Skills© I have closed a $20,000,000 deal and a $6,400,000 deal and now have been offered a $17,000,000 opportunity. This really works and when I use these new skills, it’s so easy!”
Diana. A., Bank of America, Northern California
“Once again, I really want to thank you for helping me with the speech for the Red Cross. What I learned from you then, and having a positive experience, has helped me give other presentations. Thank you for helping me find a voice again! There is certainly a lot more to learn, but at least I have a wonderful start, thanks to you! Thank you again Susan!”
Claudia Weber Strays & Others New Canaan, CT